एतावुपाधी परजीवयोस्तयोः सम्यङ् निरासे न परो न जीवः । राज्यं नरेन्द्रस्य भटस्य खेटक - स्तयोरपोहे न भटो न राजा ॥ २४६ ॥
etāvupādhī parajīvayostayoḥ samyaṅ nirāse na paro na jīvaḥ ; rājyaṃ narendrasya bhaṭasya kheṭaka - stayorapohe na bhaṭo na rājā . 246 .
एतौ उपाधीetau upādhī
These two are upādhi–s
of Iswara and jīva
Of these
सम्यक् निरासेsamyak nirāse
by proper negation
न परःna paraḥ
there is no Iswara
न जीवःna jīvaḥ
there is no jīva
न राज्यंna rājyaṃ
The kingdom
(upādhi) for the king
the shield (is upādhi)
for the soldiers
तयोः अपोहेtayoḥ apohe
when the two (upādhi–s) are removed
न भटःna bhaṭaḥ
there is no soldier
न राजाna rājā
no king
These two (the māyā and the five sheaths) are the upādhi–s of Iswara and jīva. When these are negated by proper investigation, there is no Iswara and no jīva. The kingdom is the upādhi for the king and a shield is upādhi for a soldier and when the upādhi–s are removed there is no king and no soldier (there is no distinction between them).
When upādhi–s are negated for Iswara and jīva, what remains is consciousness without any distinction (Jagadguru).