जाग्रत्स्वप्नसुषुप्तिषु स्फुटतरं योऽसौ समुज्जृम्भते
प्रत्यग्रूपतया सदाहमहमित्यन्तः स्फुरन्नेकधा ।
नानाकारविकारभाजिन इमान्पश्यन्नहन्धीमुखा -
न्नित्यानन्दचिदात्मना स्फुरति तं विद्धि स्वमेतं हृदि ॥ २१९ ॥
jāgratsvapnasuṣuptiṣu sphuṭataraṃ yo’sau samujjṛmbhate
pratyagrūpatayā sadāhamahamityantaḥ sphurannekadhā ;
nānākāravikārabhājina imānpaśyannahandhīmukhā -
nnityānandacidātmanā sphurati taṃ viddhi svametaṃ hṛdi . 219 .
- यः असौyaḥ asau
- That which (Atman)
- जाग्रत्–स्वप्न–सुषुप्तिषुjāgrat–svapna–suṣuptiṣu
- in waking, dream and deep sleep
- स्फुटतरंsphuṭataraṃ
- very clearly
- सम्–उज्जृम्भतेsam–ujjṛmbhate
- shines (independent of everything)
- प्रत्यग्–रूपतयाpratyag–rūpatayā
- as the innermost
- सदाsadā
- always
- अहम् अहम् इतिaham aham iti
- as ‘I’ and ‘I’
- अन्तः स्फुरन्antaḥ sphuran
- throbbing within
- एकधाekadhā
- in an unchanging manner
- इमान् पश्यन्imān paśyan
- seeing all these
- नाना–आकार–विकार–भाजिनःnānā–ākāra–vikāra–bhājinaḥ
- assuming different forms and modifications
- अहं–धी–मुखान्ahaṃ–dhī–mukhān
- such as the idea of ego
- स्फुरतिsphurati
- manifests (shines)
- हृदिhṛdi
- in one’s intellect
- नित्य–आनन्द–चिद्–आत्मनाnitya–ānanda–cid–ātmanā
- as the existence, consciousness and bliss
- तं एतं विद्धिtaṃ etaṃ viddhi
- know that to be
- स्वम्svam
- as the Self
The Atman shines (independent of everything) very clearly as the innermost Self in the waking, dream and deep sleep states, throbbing within as ‘I’, ‘I’ in an unchanging manner. It is a witness to different forms and modifications such as the identification with the ego. It manifests in the intellect as the existence, consciousness and bliss. Know that to be the Self.
Different forms and modifications are birth, growth, decay, death etc. ‘Ego etc’ refers to the five sheaths. All these are objectified by the Self. The knowledge of Atman is far away from an ignorant person and is proximate to a discriminating person (Jagadguru).