देहादिनिष्ठाश्रमधर्मकर्म -
गुणाभिमानः सततं ममेति ।
प्रकृष्टसान्निध्यवशात्परात्मनः ।
अतो भवत्येष उपाधिरस्य
यदात्मधीः संसरति भ्रमेण ॥ १९० ॥
dehādiniṣṭhāśramadharmakarma -
guṇābhimānaḥ satataṃ mameti ;
prakṛṣṭasānnidhyavaśātparātmanaḥ ;
ato bhavatyeṣa upādhirasya
yadātmadhīḥ saṃsarati bhrameṇa . 190 .
- अभिमानःabhimānaḥ
- (Having) identification with
- आश्रम–धर्म–कर्म–गुणāśrama–dharma–karma–guṇa
- with the attributes of different stages of life and karma–s enjoined on them
- देह–आदि–निष्ठdeha–ādi–niṣṭha
- which (indeed) relate to the body etc
- सततंsatataṃ
- always
- मम–इतिmama–iti
- with the notion that they are mine
- अयम् विज्ञान–कोशःayam vijñāna–kośaḥ
- this ego sheath
- अति–प्रकाशःati–prakāśaḥ
- shines brilliantly (appears as the knower)
- प्रकृष्ट–सान्निध्य–वशात्prakṛṣṭa–sānnidhya–vaśāt
- because of its extreme proximity
- परात्मनःparātmanaḥ
- with the Supreme Atman
- अतःataḥ
- hence
- भवति एषःbhavati eṣaḥ
- this becomes
- उपाधिः अस्यupādhiḥ asya
- to that atman
- यद्–आत्म–धीःyad–ātma–dhīḥ
- by identifying with which
- संसरति भ्रमेणsaṃsarati bhrameṇa
- the jīva moves in the cycle of birth and death due to delusion
This ego sheath has a continuous identification with the properties of different stages of life, duties and actions, which in fact relate to the body etc. It shines brilliantly (appears as Atman) because of its closest proximity with the Supreme Atman. Hence it becomes a limiting adjunct for Atman, identifying with which the jīva moves in the cycle of birth and death due to delusion.
‘Shining brilliantly’ – as consciousness reflects directly on the intellect. Hence intellect appears as the knower. The sense organs are not direct recipients of consciousness. Hence intellect or ego becomes the limiting adjunct, i.e. appearing distinctly as jīva. Because of the identification with the limiting adjunct, it has the notion of doer and enjoyer (Jagadguru).