मनः प्रसूते विषयानशेषा -
न्स्थूलात्मना सूक्ष्मतया च भोक्तुः ।
शरीरवर्णाश्रमजातिभेदा -
न्गुणक्रियाहेतुफलानि नित्यम् ॥ १७९ ॥
manaḥ prasūte viṣayānaśeṣā -
nsthūlātmanā sūkṣmatayā ca bhoktuḥ ;
śarīravarṇāśramajātibhedā -
nguṇakriyāhetuphalāni nityam . 179 .
- मनः प्रसूतेmanaḥ prasūte
- The mind creates
- विषयान् अशेषान्viṣayān aśeṣān
- countless objects
- स्थूलात्मनाsthūlātmanā
- in the gross form
- सूक्ष्मतया चsūkṣmatayā ca
- and in the subtle form
- भोक्तुःbhoktuḥ
- for the experiencer
- शरीर–वर्ण–आश्रम–जाति–भेदान्śarīra–varṇa–āśrama–jāti–bhedān
- differences like body,varṇa, stage of life, birth etc
- गुण–क्रिया–हेतु–फलानिguṇa–kriyā–hetu–phalāni
- properties, actions, their causes and fruits
- नित्यम्nityam
- always
The mind incessantly creates countless objects in the gross and subtle form for the experiencer – plurality such as the body, varṇa (Brahmin, ruler etc.,) , stages of life (celibate, married person etc), birth (divine, human, animal etc) and their properties, actions, causes and fruits of such actions.
Objects are in gross form in the waking state and in subtle form in the dream state (Jagadguru). We normally say that the external objects exist and hence the mind sees. Vedanta says that the mind sees and hence plurality is experienced. This can be understood if we see that the mind is a product of the subtle aspect of the five elements and that consciousness reflects in it. The infinite consciousness appears as delimited consciousness because of the limiting factor called mind and thus it sees plurality. It is also because the mind is conditioned by the three guṇa–s, by which it is formed.