

न ह्यस्त्यविद्या मनसोऽतिरिक्ता
मनो ह्यविद्या भवबन्धहेतुः ।
तस्मिन्विनष्टे सकलं विनष्टं
विजृम्भितेऽस्मिन्सकलं विजृम्भते ॥ १७१ ॥

na hyastyavidyā manaso’tiriktā
mano hyavidyā bhavabandhahetuḥ ;
tasminvinaṣṭe sakalaṃ vinaṣṭaṃ
vijṛmbhite’sminsakalaṃ vijṛmbhate . 171 .


न हि अस्ति अविद्याna hi asti avidyā
Nescience does not exist
मनसः अतिरिक्ताmanasaḥ atiriktā
apart from the mind
मनः हिmanaḥ hi
indeed the mind
is nescience
the cause for bondage of birth
तस्मिन् विनष्टेtasmin vinaṣṭe
when this (mind) disappears
सकलं विनष्टंsakalaṃ vinaṣṭaṃ
everything (the universe) disappears
विजृम्भिते अस्मिन्vijṛmbhite asmin
when this (the mind) is let loose
सकलं विजृम्भतेsakalaṃ vijṛmbhate
all else moves unbridled


Nescience does not exist apart from the mind. Indeed the mind is nescience and the cause for the bondage of birth (and death). The universe disappears when this mind disappears and the universe emerges unbridled when the mind is let loose.


Nescience exists in deep sleep but there is no bondage because mind is withdrawn. Hence it is said that there is no nescience apart from the mind (Jagadguru). The mind is an evolute of māyā, as it is the product of the five elements. Consciousness reflects on this and identifies with the body–mind–complex. Hence it becomes the seer and the seen and thus sees division. The delimited consciousness is conditioned by the three guṇa–s and hence it has likes and dislikes for objects.


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