

मिश्रस्य सत्त्वस्य भवन्ति धर्मा -
स्त्वमानिताद्या नियमा यमाद्याः ।
श्रद्धा च भक्तिश्च मुमुक्षुता च
दैवी च सम्पत्तिरसन्निवृत्तिः ॥ १२० ॥

miśrasya sattvasya bhavanti dharmā -
stvamānitādyā niyamā yamādyāḥ ;
śraddhā ca bhaktiśca mumukṣutā ca
daivī ca sampattirasannivṛttiḥ . 120 .


मिश्रस्य सत्त्वस्य तुmiśrasya sattvasya tu
Of this sattva mixed with (rajas and tamas)
भवन्ति धर्माःbhavanti dharmāḥ
the properties are
absence of egotism etc
yama–s etc
श्रद्धा चśraddhā ca
and faithful, earnest pursuit
भक्तिः चbhaktiḥ ca
and devotion
मुमुक्षुता चmumukṣutā ca
and desire for liberation
दैवी सम्पत्तिः चdaivī sampattiḥ ca
and the divine endowments
withdrawal from the evil (tendencies)


Properties such as absence of egotism, niyama–s, yama–s faithful and earnest pursuit, devotion, desire for liberation, the divine endowments and withdrawal from evil – all these are the properties of the sattva (even though slightly mixed with rajas and tamas).


1) Absence of egotism etc are as defined in the Gita (13–7 to 11). 2) niyamāḥ – are observances as defined by Patanjali in sūtra 2–32. They are – cleanliness, contentment, austerity, study or scripture and devotion to god. 3) yama–s – They are actions defined by Patanjali in sūtra 2–30. They are – non–voilence, truthfulness, refraining from stealing, celibacy and non–accumulation of possessions. 4) daivī sampattiḥ – The divine endowments are as defined in the Gita (16–1 to 3). 5) Devotion – It is of two types – the aparā and the parā, which are the lower and higher forms of bhakti. The lower form of bhakti leads to the higher form as told in the Bhagavatam – भक्त्या सञ्जातया भक्त्या (Jagadguru).


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