यदानन्द सिन्धौ निमग्नः पुमान्स्या-
दविद्याविलासः समस्तप्रपञ्चः ।
तदा नः स्फुरत्यद्भुतं यन्निमित्तं
परं ब्रह्म नित्यं तदेवाहमस्मि ॥८॥
yadānanda sindhau nimagnaḥ pumānsyā-
davidyāvilāsaḥ samastaprapañcaḥ ;
tadā naḥ sphuratyadbhutaṃ yannimittaṃ
paraṃ brahma nityaṃ tadevāhamasmi .8.
- यदाyadā
- when
- आनन्द-सिन्धौānanda-sindhau
- in the ocean of bliss
- निमग्नःnimagnaḥ
- immersed
- पुमान्pumān
- person
- स्यात्syāt
- is
- अविद्या-विलासःavidyā-vilāsaḥ
- showing forth of the non-perception of the Self
- समस्त-प्रपञ्चःsamasta-prapañcaḥ
- entire universe
- तदाtadā
- then
- नna
- not
- स्फुरतिsphurati
- does not appear
- अद्भुतम्adbhutam
- wonderfully
- यत्-निमित्तम्yat-nimittam
- by reason of which
- परं ब्रह्मparaṃ brahma
- Supreme Brahman
- नित्यम्nityam
- Eternal
- तत्tat
- that
- एवeva
- verily
- अहम्aham
- I
- अस्मिasmi
- am
English Translation to Svarupanusandhanam
I am verily that Supreme Eternal Brahman by reason of which when a person is immersed in the ocean of bliss the entire universe which is but a showing forth of the non-perception of the Self, most wonderfully, does not appear to be at all then.
Accompanying notes to English Translation of Svarupanusandhanam
How the Self can be realised through the Pranava has been dealt with in the Mandukya Upanishad.]