स्वरूपानुसन्धानरूपां स्तुतिं यः
पठेदादराद्भक्तिभावो मनुष्यः ।
श्रुणोतीह वा नित्यमुद्युक्तचित्तो
भवेद्विष्णुरत्रैव वेदप्रमाणात् ॥९॥
svarūpānusandhānarūpāṃ stutiṃ yaḥ
paṭhedādarādbhaktibhāvo manuṣyaḥ ;
śruṇotīha vā nityamudyuktacitto
bhavedviṣṇuratraiva vedapramāṇāt .9.
- स्वरूप-अनुसन्धान-रूपाम्svarūpa-anusandhāna-rūpām
- method of contemplation on one's self
- स्तुतिम्stutim
- poem
- यःyaḥ
- who
- पठेत्paṭhet
- reads
- आदरात्ādarāt
- carefully
- भक्ति-भावःbhakti-bhāvaḥ
- with devotion in his heart
- मनुष्यःmanuṣyaḥ
- the man
- श्रुणोतिśruṇoti
- hears
- इहiha
- here
- वाvā
- or
- नित्यम्nityam
- regularly???
- उद्युक्त-चित्तःudyukta-cittaḥ
- with an attentive mind
- भवेत्bhavet
- becomes
- विष्णुःviṣṇuḥ
- the all-pervasive Brahman
- अत्रैवatraiva
- even here (in this life and in this world itself)
- वेद-प्रमाणात्veda-pramāṇāt
- from??? the authority of the Vedas
English Translation to Svarupanusandhanam
The man who with devotion in his heart reads carefully this poem which deals with the method of contemplation on one’s self, or even he who with an attentive mind hears it here regularly; becomes, by the authority of the Vedas, even here (in this life and in this world itself) the all- pervasive Brahman.
Accompanying notes to English Translation of Svarupanusandhanam
As the seeming snake automatically disappears when the reality of rope is cognised, so does the world cease to be cognised by the Seer when he has attained to a perfect perception of the Real Self behind all phenomenal appearances.