यदानन्दलेशैः समानन्दि विश्वं
यदाभाति सत्त्वे तदाभाति सर्वम् ।
यदालोकने रूपमन्यत्समस्तं
परं ब्रह्म नित्यं तदेवाहमस्मि ॥६॥
yadānandaleśaiḥ samānandi viśvaṃ
yadābhāti sattve tadābhāti sarvam ;
yadālokane rūpamanyatsamastaṃ
paraṃ brahma nityaṃ tadevāhamasmi .6.
- यत्-आनन्द-लेशैःyat-ānanda-leśaiḥ
- by the fractional bits of whose bliss
- समानन्दिsamānandi
- blissfull
- विश्वम्viśvam
- the universe
- यत्-आभातिyat-ābhāti
- by whose light
- सत्त्वेsattve
- the existence of
- तत्tat
- that
- आभातिābhāti
- shines
- सर्वम्sarvam
- universe
- यत्-आलोकनेyat-ālokane
- by the sight of which
- रूपम्rūpam
- form
- अन्यत्anyat
- else
- समस्तम्samastam
- all
- परं ब्रह्मparaṃ brahma
- Supreme Brahman
- नित्यम्nityam
- Eternal
- एवeva
- verily
- अहम्aham
- I
- अस्मिasmi
- am
English Translation to Svarupanusandhanam
I am verily that Supreme Eternal Brahman by the fractional bits of whose bliss the universe is blissful, by the existence of whose light all that universe shines and by the sightof which all else have form
Accompanying notes to English Translation of Svarupanusandhanam
When all limiting factors are eliminated, the Self shines in all its fullness. Its innate consciousness does not depend upon any instruments of perception or even upon the existence of any object to be perceived but is, on the other hand, absolute.