न मे लोकयात्राप्रवाहप्रवृत्ति-
र्न मे बन्धबुद्ध्या दुरीहानिवृत्तिः ।
प्रवृत्तिर्निवृत्त्यास्य चित्तस्य वृत्ति-
र्यतस्तन्वहं तत्स्वरूपः शिवोऽहम् ॥५॥
na me lokayātrāpravāhapravṛtti-
rna me bandhabuddhyā durīhānivṛttiḥ ;
pravṛttirnivṛttyāsya cittasya vṛtti-
ryatastanvahaṃ tatsvarūpaḥ śivo’ham .5.
English Translation
No active effort for maintaining the continuity of the journey of worldly life is for me; nor is it necessary for me to abstain from any objectionable desire on the apprehension that it will adversely bind me. For, effort along with absention from effort is only a function of this mind and I am ever in that form. I am the auspicious.
Accompanying notes to English Translation of Nirvana Manjari
It was mentioned in the previous stanza that the Self takes on the form of all mental states. Those states are analysable under two heads: - 1. Those that help to advance us in worldly life and 2. Those that help to wean us away from the attractions of the world. But both these states really belong to the mind and not to the Self. At the same time it must be remembered that the mind by itself cannot function either way unless it is enlivened by the Self. That Self that enlivens the mind and makes it function am I.