That in which the distinction of knower, known and knowledge does not exist
infinite (devoid of the three limitations of time, space and object)
devoid of differentiation
mere unbroken consciousness
परं तत्त्वंparaṃ tattvaṃ
the Supreme Reality
बुधाः विदुःbudhāḥ viduḥ
the wise persons know
Brahman is that which is devoid of the differentiation of knower, known and knowledge. It is infinite and devoid of duality. It is mere unbroken consciousness. The wise persons know this as the Supreme Reality.
kevala–akhaṇḍa–cit–mātraṃ – A delimited entity (which is characterised by the upādhi, limiting adjunct) is associated with consciousness in which the differentiation of knower, known and knowledge exists (Jagadguru).