the ocean of transmigration, which is difficult to cross over and which has waves of birth and death
having achieved the goal
ब्रह्म–रूपेण संस्थःbrahma–rūpeṇa saṃsthaḥ
staying as Brahman
With a disciplined mind and with purity of intellect you directly realise this Atman within yourself as ‘I am this’. Gloriously cross over the ocean of transmigration – which is difficult to cross over and which has waves of birth and death – and having achieved the goal establish yourself as Brahman.
1) ‘Disciplined mind’ – means the mind which has undergone the three tier process of śravaṇam, mananam and nididhyāsanam. 2) ‘I am this’ – the realisation should be in the form of non–difference between the the Self and the Brahman (Jagadguru).