दयालुं गुरुं ब्रह्मनिष्ठं प्रशान्तं
समाराध्य मत्या विचार्य स्वरूपम् ।
यदाप्नोति तत्त्वं निदिध्यास विद्वान्-
परं ब्रह्म नित्यं तदेवाहमस्मि ॥२॥
dayāluṃ guruṃ brahmaniṣṭhaṃ praśāntaṃ
samārādhya matyā vicārya svarūpam ;
yadāpnoti tattvaṃ nididhyāsa vidvān-
paraṃ brahma nityaṃ tadevāhamasmi .2.
- दयालुम्dayālum
- gracious
- गुरुम्gurum
- teacher
- ब्रह्मनिष्ठम्brahmaniṣṭham
- centered in Brahman
- प्रशान्तम्praśāntam
- calm
- समाराध्यsamārādhya
- after worshipping earnestly
- मत्याmatyā
- with the aid of his intellect
- विचार्यvicārya
- deeply thinks
- स्वरूपम्svarūpam
- his own nature
- यत्yat
- which
- आप्नोतिāpnoti
- attains
- तत्त्वम्tattvam
- the ultimate truth
- निदिध्यासःnididhyāsaḥ
- concentrating
- विद्वान्vidvān
- knower
- परं ब्रह्मparaṃ brahma
- Supreme Brahman
- नित्यम्nityam
- Eternal
- तत्tat
- that
- एवeva
- verily
- अहम्aham
- I
- अस्मिasmi
- am
English Translation to Svarupanusandhanam
I am verily that Supreme Eternal Brahman, the ultimate truth which one, who after worshipping earnestly a perfectly calm and gracious teacher centered in Brahman (obtains from him an initiation and then) deeply thinks over his own nature with the aid of his intellect, concentrates upon it and becomes a knower, ultimately attains
Accompanying notes to English Translation of Svarupanusandhanam
The Master emphasises in this stanza that, as long as one is not prepared to abandon everything worldly before he launches into an enquiry into the nature of the Self, he cannot attain his objective, that, as long as he attaches the slightest value to anything worldly, he cannot escape being attached to it, that he can rightly gauge the value of things only if he has a pure mind free from any bias or prejudice and that such a pure mind is incapable of being secured as long as he shirks the imperative duty of obeying the Shastras implicitly not with any view to get the material benefits promised but solely with a view to get the mind purified by the grace of God.