Bhagavatpadiya Prakarana Grantha Mala

Study of Vedānta deals with the renunciation of desires of mind, control of mind and to finally transcend the mind.

In order to apply the teaching of Upaniṣads in our practical life, one needs to attain sufficient purification of mind. Predominant guṇa of mind has to be sattva guṇa as it alone has the ability to turn the extrovert mind introvert and then merge the introvert mind in the heart i.e. the source of everything i.e. Brahman. Advaita vedānta as propagated by Śrī Ādi Śankarāchārya jī is a path of renunciation. The upaniṣads presume that one has to be clear in the basic terminology and concepts of the śāstras. However, for new students, it might be difficult to grasp the concepts easily. For example, one must know what is mana (mind), buddhi, ahɑmkāra, chitta, jīva, Brahman, panchakośas, three types of śarīras etc. In order to develop sufficient inner purity and to explain the basic terminology used in śāstras, Śrī Ādī Śankarāchārya jī composed many prakaraṇa grantha often known as introductory texts to advaita vedānta. Other prominent āchāryas like Śrī Vidyāraṇya Svāmī, Sadānanda and Dharmarāja Adhvarīndra also composed prakaraṇa granthas.

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